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The W.A.I.T. Support System is a multidisciplinary approach drawing on research in neuroscience, psychology, and education fields to address influences of trauma in children. 

Trauma affects children’s development and behavior. Only recently have the long-term health consequences of trauma been reviewed and mapped as more scientific attention is paid to factor analysis between stress, the individual’s sense of self, and performance within family-community institutions as a result of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). 

As a pilot, teachers taught the lessons once a week

and continued to spiral and practice the skills on a daily basis. Students were able to use the terminology,  Wait, What Am I Thinking? Staff began to have a common language to use with our students. Videos reinforced each lesson and the journal was a way for students to reflect upon each skill taught and refer back to its teachings. Our discipline data, mediation data

and teacher responses were overwhelmingly positive.



 - Assistant Principal, 6th Grade Academy 

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