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Change Perceptions. Change Outcomes.

Meet RLH & Associates

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W.A.I.T. What Am I Thinking? is a product of Rick Hollering, CEO of RLH & Associates.  

RLH & Associates was founded by Rick Hollering in 1986. Since then they have challenged thousands to dream bigger, while providing the skills that empower them to achieve those dreams. 

RLH & Associates specializes in human development programs which include but not limited to: goal setting, leadership, communication, relationships, time management, conflict resolution, and group dynamics.

My goal is to use my God given talents and abilities to identify and break barriers to change in order to empower others to achieve their dreams and goals. I want you to thrive, not just survive! I want to help your organization to be at its maximum effectiveness, your family be in harmony, and your environment with less stress! I believe that we all can change our lives by changing our programmed perceptions. I want to partner with you to get the outcomes you desire instead of just accepting whatever happens. We can accomplish this together! When there is HOPE in the future, there is POWER in the present!

With Rick’s passion for teaching success principles to youth, he also founded the not-for-profit, Youth Services Alliance (YSA), which works to empower youth and families. ​

Contact Rick directly at (765) 438-4178 or by email

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